Influencers are the most cost-effective tools for hospitality marketing

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I mean, of course it’s true: influencers are the “future” of hospitality marketing. But as a marketplace for influencer advertising ourselves, I’m sure you don’t just want to hear it from us. That’s why we’ve compiled some reasons why influencers really are the future of hospitality retailing. 

Take a moment to think about how much your brand spends annually on advertising in social and mainstream media. Now think about the fact that “over 42% of customers use ad-blocking technology” on their desktops and mobile devices. According to entrepreneur Brian Dean, “advertising power is shifted to influencers as people aren’t blocking influencers / celebrities”.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? How many adverts have you mindlessly scrolled past on your Instagram, TikTok and Twitter feeds without a second look? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. But why does the average consumer take a more personal interest in an advert if it’s disguised as a blog post of an influencer?

From a consumer's point of view, an influencer is on their side, they are a consumer too: which is why we are much more inclined to trust what they are saying and doing. It’s like what I’m doing right now! Speaking to you as a friend - so you can trust me. (Obviously, that doesn’t take away from my trustworthiness. But it’s working… right?)

And it’s not just me you have to believe, in fact according to the Nielsen survey in 2012, 

“92% of consumers trust online word-of-mouth recommendations”.

But regardless of why it works, just look at the proof. If almost half of your customers are blocking your ads, you must find another way to push your information to them. And in this day and age, using influencers on social media is your best bet. Now that we’ve established why and how influencer marketing is so important, back to the fun stuff: why Inbited brings something new and exciting to the influencer marketing industry.

Our founder Asti Wagner runs her own food blog on Instagram (@eatwithast), giving her a unique insight into the symbiotic relationships between merchants, customers, and influencers; and the issues that have arisen previously with the communication between each entity. Inbited aims to bridge the currently large gap between the restaurant and the influencers, and in turn reward the influencers for their hard and valued work (it’s a win-win!)

It’s human nature to work harder when you are rewarded (i.e. not working for free), which is why the very fact that Inbited rewards our influencers already sets us apart from other influencer marketing platforms. We garner better results for our brands than you would expect. But as well as being hugely beneficial to the influencers, we haven't forgotten about you - the restaurants and venues! Our platform makes it as easy as pie (or whatever else you may serve) for you to recruit influencers with over 10k followers to come and visit your restaurant or venue, creating collaborations with influencers on-demand with the guarantee of exposure to thousands of online consumers. Depending on what you are offering, for a fee of £50 per influencer, whether it’s a free meal with a friend or the party of the year, we can make sure there are influencers willing to help you out and attend.

But if you are still sceptical, don't worry! Your free account not only gives you access to our ever-growing database of influencers and their relative engagement statistics, but also access to track your ROI results which is calculated with a number of factors in mind. 

To summarise, Inbited saves you time on influencer outreach, saves you money on secondary PR and marketing firms, and creates a fool-proof system for recruiting capable influencers to help market your business. 

To learn more about Inbited, visit